Good Thinkers Organization

After 18th Constitutional Amendment, provinces are responsible to ensure child protection through policy and legislative reforms in their territory. GTO is conducting legal review of existing laws related to Women, children and Transgenders and on the basis of key findings and consultations, working on legislative and policy reforms.

After doing various stakeholders’ consultative sessions, the GTO drafted “Punjab Child Abuse Prevention and Response Bill 2022” and draft presented before standing committee on Law, Provincial Assembly of the Punjab, which is now in official process.

The organization has facilitated drafting process of “Punjab Protection of Rights of Transgenders Bill 2022” which has been submitted in Provincial Assembly of the Punjab.

GTO held multiple meetings with high officials of Punjab Assembly and other stakeholders and contributed to amendment of “Punjab Free and Compulsory Education Act 2014” and resultantly, a big hurdle in ensuring free and compulsory education for all in Punjab has been resolved.

Punjab Protection of Women against Violence Act 2016 was not serving the purpose due to a hurdle in section 1, sub-section (3). According to Section 1 (3), It shall come into force on such date as the Government may, by notification, specify and different dates may be so specified for various areas in Punjab”. After GTO Advocacy Interventions and struggle, now it has amended that “It shall come into force at once in whole Punjab”

This amendment is very important for women protection from all forms of violence in the province.

Good Thinkers Organization is further interacting with stakeholders to ensure amendment in Child Marriage Restraint Act to make sure marriage age for girl from 16 to 18 years.

The organization is engaged in reviewing laws, related to environment protection. So, research-based advocacy interventions could be initiated to resolve climate change, disaster, and environmental issues.

The GTO is capacitating Police Officials, Young Lawyers, Journalists, Civil Society, Prosecution Officers and officials to ensure Rule of Law and protecting human rights, particularly focusing on Children, Women and Transgender Community.

The organization is busy in advocacy interventions to ensure Provincial Legislation for the protection of Rights of Persons with Disability in Punjab.

GTO holding multiple meetings with Provincial Government in Punjab to ensure Rule of Business of different laws, which were passed for last several years but their rules are still pending.

The GTO contributed in ensuring child rights protection of domestic workers through promulgating “Punjab Domestic Workers Act 2019”.